ECTA Mile | Arkansas | July 2020

CT attended the Blytheville, AR ECTA Mile event in July of 2020.  The event had been postponed (originally scheduled for April) due to Covid and we got to race in the 95 degree heat of Arkansas in the dead of summer. Regardless, we had fun, ate food, went fast and broke some records along the way.

Name: ECTA Mile
Location: Blytheville International Airport
Date: July 4th - 6th, 2021

The ECTA mile is a top speed event.  The track is setup on an airport runway and you are able to run your car all out for up to 1 1/4 miles to see how fast your car can go in the given distance.

It's great for testing, tuning, record-setting and taking your car as fast as it's able to go in general.